I saw a silly video online that reminded me of when I was in college.  I had a thick beard, and when I wasn't paying attention in class, I would see how many pencils I could stick in it.  I think I got up to 12, which is impressive, but not as impressive as this:

It's funny and a little weird all at the same time, but it makes me think about the unique things we all can do, and how God has given us a skill set that is unique and needed!  Sure, you might not be able to put 2,747 toothpicks in your beard (or not have a beard at all, which makes me feel very sad for you), but you have things that God has given you that ONLY YOU CAN DO.  The important thing now is to ask God what that thing is!
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I don't know if you saw the video that was going around the internet last week (no, not this one) of a kid who was being bullied, and then bodyslammed the bully after he couldn't take it anymore.  He shared his heartbreaking story on Austrailian Television last weekend:

As a kid, I was at the bottom of the school food chain as well, and I remember getting bullied a lot in junior high.  There was this one kid that every day in Gym would punch me for no reason.  After telling him to stop it and him not listening, I even took it up with the Vice Principal, whose advice to me was "punch him back"...

The worst thing is I had a friend in that class that was respected by the bully, and he never said anything to stop him.  I know that bullying would stop in its tracks if when we see someone being hurt we would just take the time to say something and stand up for others.  It's something that we all feel inside, but rarely does it ever come out.

So, next time you see someone being picked on, hurt, or teased, PLEASE speak up!  If you can't intervene, get someone involved who can!  Do something!
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We got this note from Matt, and I love the fact that he is not just following Christ, but DOING something about it:

Hi! My name is Matthew Arnold. I found your ipod app and have been listening a lot to the house fm in the past few weeks. I have parents who don't understand what it means to a be a christian (a relationship with God) even though they say the are. They say i act too churchy all the time. I am part of a youth group in Annapolis, Maryland and i have created a Podcast to explain how God is working in my life and I was wondering if you could pray for me and my parents as i try to help them gain a relationship with Christ. I was also wondering if you could mention the Podcast on air please. the link to it is http://ls-ka.podomatic.com/ Thank you so much.
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From watching videos of the earthquake and tsunami that ravaged Japan.  For me, it is "out of sight, out of mind" but I finally broke down and watched this video (it's worth watching all 6 minutes of it just to get an idea at how quickly this thing came).  By the end if it, I had no choice but to help give to the efforts.  Just to see entire buildings uprooted and sent downstream by the powerful current was something that I had never thought could happen.

Here's the shocking video: http://gizmodo.com/#!5781566/this-is-the-scariest-first+person-video-of-the-japan-tsunami-yet

I've donated to The Salvation Army by going to this page: https://donate.salvationarmyusa.org/site/c.tvI3IeNUJsE/b.5760419/k.2CB3/Donate_Now/apps/ka/sd/donor.asp?c=tvI3IeNUJsE&b=5760419&en=5oIzGIMjG4LIKSOmH3KFKPMxEoKRLXOxEdKFLRNAIkLRK1NIG

According to their website, "The Salvation Army has been at work in Japan since 1895, operating more than 80 centers there, including two hospitals and four children's homes. We have nearly 200 officers, 3,000 members and nearly 1,000 employees already at work in the country. We are a part of Japan's communities and dedicated to their recovery."

If You want to see some other organizations that are helping in Japan, go here: http://www.thehousefm.com/JapanRelief2011.aspx
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Yes, you!

We are in the middle of Pledge Drive at the station. It's the one time of the year that we come to you and say, "It's because of you that we are on the air, and it's your support that keeps us going strong. So, we need you to pray about this and talk with your family about supporting this ministry so we can keep going for another year." That's it. Without you, there is no us.

I would like to point out, though, that it's God working through you to make this happen. He has been so faithful! He's worked through His people the last 3 years that I've been here and all the way to the beginning 18 years ago, too. The Word says that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So, if He's been faithful time and time again, I fully believe that He will be again this year.

He's awesome like that.

So, where do you fit into this ministry? Can you give $15 a month? That's .50 a day. Maybe you and your fam can spare a $1 a day to contribute $30 a month to support a station that reaches people all over the world. What does this ministry mean to you? Whatever God lays on your heart to give, I pray that you act on it.

I know God will help us reach the goal again this year. I just want to know...will you be a part of it?

Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

Watch out, you'll be making history and you'll be helping to reach the lost everyday. You in? Pledge Here.

Oh, and by the way, a pledge of any amount gets you into the Giant Giveaway. We're giving away giants. Naw...we actually have a prize after every song from 7a-6p!!

What do you do with this info? Pledge HERE, get in the Giant Giveaway Drawing, listen daily to hear your name, tell your friends.

Thanks for being awesome.

Oh yeah, you can watch daily 7a-6p.

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