I had a chance to talk to my 5 year old son last night about Jesus. To be honest, I hadn't really pushed it much, not sure that he would understand what having a relationship with Christ would be, and my fear of not being able to communicate it well.

Then I remembered how my dad led me to christ when I was a kid, with a book called the "4 spiritual laws" - a quick google found that there is a version of this book for kids now! so I pulled it up on our iPad and walked Joash through the steps. And at the very end, before I could even ask if he wanted to make Jesus his Lord and Savior, he said "I don't want to be separated from God any more."

And he is no longer separated! If you've been a little nervous sharing with anyone, the Four Spiritual Laws for Kids is a great tool. You can read it here: http://www.cru.org/how-to-know-god/good-news-for-children/index.htm
