Posted by Andy on
8 - Dec
All You have to do is comment below, and I will draw 15 names at random to win! And while you are here, enter your e-mail at the right to get this awesome blog delivered to your e-mail box every day and have a chance to win more cd's!
Woohoo! First comment! And my song is playing now, too! Can I have a cd also? Or is that too much good all at once? Please?
I live at the house and I really wanna win
I want to win X Christmas!
That was Morgan from Tecumseh and thankz much 4 playin my request!!!!
I would very much like to win a tasty CD from The House!
hey, just leaving a comment, hoping to win
HEY!!! HIT ME WITH THAT TOTALLY ROCKIN' CD!!! ...It would totally make my week...
Rubin...what's he dippity doin?
I Wanna win X christmas.
in Ark City
Rubin...what's he dippity doin?
Woah, simply commenting could get me a CD? That is just made of awesome, a lot of awesome.
Ian Whitley
Winfield, KS
It would be a true act of international diplomacy if you sent a CD to Canada!
I am leaving a comment with my mom's email!! my name is stevie lynn from tecumseh and i am 7! and you played my request- family force 5 luv addictlast night!! thank you!! we always listen to you at home!i would like a cd!
I'm leaving my message here so I can win the cd but my comment is about the Christian Ska Band -- I wonder if they can come to my Christmas party. I mean really who doesn't want a Christian Ska Band performing at your house. :)
Baltimore, MD
Hey All, if you commented on this post, e-mail me - andy[at]
let me know what your name on the comment list was and I'll get the CD out to you. Thanks!
Hey, just sitting here listening to your station from Soldotna, Ak! Your station in the best anywhere, I listen 5 days a week!! Thanks for the great ministry!! I would love to win a cd!!! Please?!?!